Aug 282017

The real estate agency Miklaborg publish weekly magazine with information on real estate for sale, open houses and other things

It is an ambitious project printed on quality paper, and distributed free to thousand of peoples


My role in the project

Design and layout,

Worked  in collaboration with Miklaborg sales agents-team

Nov 142016

GoPro is an advanced case, document, and process management solution.

This websites is a powerful tool for the marketing team and there partners to present the solution, communicate and provide services for the clients. and Icelandic part


My role in the project
Web design and Graphic design,

WordPress administration.

Worked as employee at GoPro ltd.  in collaboration with the GoPro marketing team

Dec 222014



SPOEX Christmas greetings


My role in the project
Graphic design

Worked in collaboration with the SPOEX team

Aug 222013

Bjarni Sv. Guðmundsson is photographer that have the Icelandic Horse for main object.
Being present at the The Icelandic Horse World Championships 2013 in Berlin he needed
a graphic identity to present him self for potential clients.


BJARNI SV. GUÐMUNDSSON equine photography

My role in the project
Design Graphic Identity and water mark
Presentation card

Worked in close collaboration with the Bjarni him self

Dec 112012 is a microsite with the goal to present in elegant and comprehensive way what the GoPro AFIP solution has to offer.
GoPro Advanced Fraud Investigation and Prevention is a case management solution that delivers targeted support for fighting corruption.

My role in the project
Web design, interface and CSS
Video assembling

Worked as employee at GoPro ltd.  in collaboration with the GoPro marketing team

Jun 012012

The real estate agency Miklaborg have added a mobile website to there services.

Here it is possible to use your smart phone to look up what are for sale and define the search to what is near your actual location (in Iceland)

Miklaborg mobile website

My role in the project
Interface design and visual identity.

Worked in collaboration with 1xInternet and Miklaborg sales agents-team

(online until 2015)

Jul 112011

The real estate agency Miklaborg have the big ambition to become the most innovated real estate agency in Iceland.

This is have been done by several factors
1. Nice looking and comprehensive web site
2. Offer there client to virtual visits of apartment and houses
3. Re-build there search engine that generates search result “on-the-fly”
4. Weakly newspaper advertisements that reflect their ambition

Miklaborg front page


Virtual visit and search engine





My role in the project
Web design and visual identity.
Virtual tours, Flash design and development.
Advertisement layout.

Worked in collaboration with Miklaborg sales agents-team

(online until 2014)

May 012010

The Icelandic pianist Vikingur Olafsson uses Flash to bring fun and music into his front page and Word Press to update his content on the web site

By combine those two, a simple and effective solutions where found. We used the RSS feed from the Word Press to bring editable content into the front page animation.



My role in the project

Flash design, animation and devlopement.
Word Press installation and Web Design advices.

Worked in collaboration with Helga Manúsdóttir Graphic Desgner.

(online until 2014)

Jan 012000

Guðmundur SverrissonGudmundur Sverrisson
BSc in computer science &
Graphic Designer

I am open minded to any exciting projects in this field of programing and interface design. I have lot of experience in UI/UX design.


</> Programing and development
I have recently completed BSC in computer science at Reykjavík University / University of Akureyri. My final project was a prototype of an app that enables users to contribute information about the environment around them and to be used for scientific research.


I have designed and participated in designing interfaces of various web pages. Often such projects are carried out in collaboration with developers off content management tools or other IT companies.

WordPress is a simple and inexpensive way to set up websites and I have designed several sites for the system and assist with installation.

Graphic design, print and visual identity.
Logo, business cards, advertisements, brochures, various other layout and etc. etc..
I’ve also worked on such projects.

Management, strategic planning, marketing.
In 2010 I finished with distinction three semester studies in management and business administration in Continuing Education – University of Iceland. It was a varied program that includes introduction of Economics, Law, Accounting  … but also subjects that caught my particular interest, such as Strategic Planning and Marketing.

I am particularly interested in expand my experiences in this area, is open to projects where I can be assistance or advice.

I graduated from Graphic Design at Iceland Academy of the Arts in 1997.
I was one year ERASMUS exchange student at Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Liège, Belgium.

After school made my way to Strasbourg in France, where I worked and was a partner in companies that specialized in the design and development of multimedia content.

In 2004 I moved to Paris and was freelance for a while, moved back to Reykjavik, and worked for a multimedia company Gagarin from the years

2005 to 2008. After that, freelance on independent projects as well as studding in management and business administration in Continuing Education – University of Iceland.

2012-2016, Graphic Designer at GoPro ltd. a software development company that specializes in case management. There I work on interface design and marketing materials.

cv english2019-2021, Back to school !
Study computer sciences  with fine success and looking forward to handle new challenges armed with those skills and knowledge.

Jan 012000

Guðmundur Sverrisson

Guðmundur Sverrisson
Tölvunarfræðingur & Grafískur hönnuður

Ég er opin fyrir öllum áhugverðum verkefnum á sviði upplýsingartækni, ég hef mikla reynslu af viðmótshönnun og hönnun notendauplifunar.


</> Programing and development
Ég hef nýlega lokið námi í tölvunarfræði við Háskólann í Reykjavík / Háskólann á Akureyri. Lokaverkefnið var app þar sem almennir borgar geta skráð upplýsingar um umhverfi sitt og miðlað til vísinda rannsókna.

Ég hef hannað og tekið þátt í hönnun á útliti ýmissa vefsíðna. Oft á tíðum eru slík verkefni unnin í samvinnu við forritara á vegum söluaðila vefumsýsluforrita eða annarra tölvufyrirtækja.

WordPress er einföld og ódýr leið til að setja upp vefsíður og hef ég hannað nokkrar síður fyrir það kerfi og aðstoðað við uppsetningu þess.

Grafísk hönnun, Prenthönnun.
Logo, nafnspjöld, auglýsingar, bæklingar, umbrot ýmiskonar og þar eftir götunum.
Ég hef líka unnið að slíkum verkefnum.

Stjórnun, Stefnumótun, Markaðssetning.
Árið 2010 lauk ég þriggja anna námi í Rekstrar- og viðskiptafræði hjá Endurmenntun HÍ. Því lauk ég með ágætiseinkunn og varð „dúxinn”  í árganginum. Þetta var fjölbreytt nám sem innhélt kynning á fjölmörgu sem viðkemur stjórnum, svo sem Hagræði, Lögfræði, Reiknishald , … en líka fög sem vakti sérstakan áhuga minn svo sem Stefnumótun og Markaðssetningu.

Ég hef sérlegan áhuga á að víkka út reynsluheim minn á þessu sviði, er opin fyrir verkefnum þar sem ég get verið  til aðstoðar eða ráðgjafar.

Ég útskrifaðist frá Grafískri hönnun úr Myndlista- og handíðaskóla Íslands 1997, en rúmi ári seinni breyttist nafn þess skóla í Listaháskóli Íslands.
Á meðan því námi stóð var ég eitt ár ERASMUS skiptinemi við Académie Royale des Beaux-arts í Liège í Belgíu.

Eftir skólann lá leið mín til Strassborgar í Frakklandi, þar sem ég starfaði og var meðeigandi í  fyrirtækjum á sviði hönnunar og þróun á  margmiðlunarefni.

Árið 2004 fluttist ég til Parísar og var þar sjálfstætt starfandi um hríð, fluttist svo aftur til Reykjavíkur, og vann hjá Margmiðlunarfyrirtækinu Gagarín frá árunum 2005 til 2008, var síðan sjálfstætt starfandi ásamt því að stunda Rekstrar- og viðskiptanám hjá Endurmenntun HÍ.

Frá apríl 2012 til loka 2016, var ég hjá Hugvit hf,  hugbúnaðar fyrirtæki sem gefur út og þróar skjala- og málastjórnunarkerfið GoPro. Þar eru verkefnin mín á sviði viðmótshönnunar og gerð markaðsefni.

2019 – 2021 aftur í nám !cv íslenska
Stundaði nám við tölvunarfræði með góðum árangri og hlakka til að takast á við krefjandi verkefni þar sem nýfengin þekking fær að njóta sín.

Ég er í leit að spennandi verkefnum